STC offers a wide range of microcontrollers based on the 8051 architecture ranging in code density from 512 bytes to 62K bytes. The product line includes 8-bit microcontrollers based on the powerful, low-power Single-Cycle STC-51 core as well as MCS-51 industry standard socket drop-in devices and small footprint 8/16/18/20/28-pin derivatives and DIP/SOP/PLCC/SSOP/QFN packages. All manufactured in advanced Flash technologies by world famous semiconductor manufacturer TSMC. All members in this product line include ISP (In-System Programming) capability, while some also support IAP (In-Application Programming) mode which is able to modify the program ROM by the microcontroller itself.
There're many special features beside standard 80C51:
Internal Reset, RC Oscillator, WDT, Super Security, stand alone baud generater, low power
And also several application specified features:
ADC, PWM/PCA/DAC, SPI, up to 4 UARTs, up to 6 timers
STC single-cycle 8051 devices can be used in existing 80C51-based applications with binary-level code compatibility while substantially increasing performance by a factor of 6 to 12 times, up to 35MIPS.
Thanks to China's huge market, the cost STC 8051 micr controllers can beat any competitors without sacrifice quality and performance. This exciting family brings more features and peripherals to the users while reduce the cost dramatically.
- STC MCU reverse engineer list:
- STC89Cxx Series MCU copy protection attack: STC89C51RC STC89C52RC STC89C53RC STC89C54RD+ STC89C58RD+ STC89C516RD STC89C516RD+ STC89C58RD ...
STC89LExx/LVxx Series MCU copy protection attack: STC89LE51RC STC89LE52RC STC89LE53RC STC89LE54RD+ STC89LE58RD+ STC89LE516RD+ STC89LE516AD STC89LE516X2 STC89LE52AD STC89LE54AD STC89LE556AD STC89LE556X2 STC89LE58AD STC89LV516RD STC89LV58RD ...
STC90Cxx Series MCU copy protection attack: STC90C51RC STC90C52RC STC90C53RC STC90LE51RC STC90LE52RC STC90LE53RC STC90C54RD+ STC90C58RD+ STC90C510RD+ STC90C512RD+ STC90C514RD+ STC90C516RD+ STC90LE54RD+ STC90LE58RD+ STC90LE510RD+ STC90LE512RD+ STC90LE514RD+ STC90LE516RD+ STC90C52AD STC90C54AD STC90C58AD STC90C514AD STC90C516AD STC90LE52AD STC90LE54AD STC90LE58AD STC90LE514AD STC90LE516AD ...
STC10Fxx Series MCU copy protection read: STC10F04 STC10F04XE STC10F08 STC10F08XE STC10F12 STC10F12XE STC10F14X ...
STC11Fxx Series MCU copy protection attack: STC11F01E STC11F02E STC11F03E STC11F04E STC11F05E IAP11F06 STC11F60XE STC11F56XE STC11F52XE STC11F48XE STC11F40XE STC11F32XE STC11F20XE STC11F16XE STC11F08XE STC11F62X ...
STC12Cxx / STC12LExx Series MCU copy protection attack:
STC12C1052 STC12C2052 STC12C4052 STC12C5052 STC12C5410 STC12C5410AD STC12C5402 STC12C5402AD STC12C5404 STC12C5404AD STC12C546 STC12C5406AD STC12C5408 STC12C5408AD STC12C5410 STC12C5410AD STC12C5412 STC12C5412RD STC12LE1052 STC12LE2052 STC12LE4052 STC12LE5052 STC12C5A08S2 STC12C5A16S2 STC12C5A32S2 STC12C5A40S2 STC12C5A48S2 STC12C5A52S2 STC12C5A56S2 STC12C5A60S2 IAP12C5A62S2 STC12LE5A08S2 STC12LE5A16S2 STC12LE5A32S2 STC12LE5A40S2 STC12LE5A48S2 STC12LE5A52S2 STC12LE5A56S2 STC12LE5A60S2 IAP12LE5A62S2 STC12C5A08AD STC12C5A16AD STC12C5A32AD STC12C5A40AD STC12C5A48AD STC12C5A52AD STC12C5A56AD STC12C5A60AD IAP12C5A62AD STC12LE5A08AD STC12LE5A16AD STC12LE5A32AD STC12LE5A40AD STC12LE5A48AD STC12LE5A52AD STC12LE5A56AD STC12LE5A60AD IAP12LE5A62AD STC12C5201AD STC12C5202AD STC12C5203AD STC12C5204AD STC12C5205AD STC12C5206AD STC12LE5201AD STC12LE5202AD STC12LE5203AD STC12LE5204AD STC12LE5205AD STC12LE5206AD STC12C5604AD STC12C5608AD STC12C5612AD STC12C5616AD STC12C5620AD STC12C5624AD STC12C5628AD STC12C5630AD STC12LE5604AD STC12LE5608AD STC12LE5612AD STC12LE5616AD STC12LE5620AD STC12LE5624AD STC12LE5628AD STC12LE5630AD
STC15Fxx Series MCU copy protection read: STC15F100W STC15F101W STC15F102W STC15F104W STC15F2K08S2 STC15F2K16S2 STC15F2K24AS STC15F2K32S2 STC15F2K40S2 STC15F2K48AS STC15F2K48S2 STC15F2K56S2 STC15F2K60S STC15F2K60S2 IAP15F105W IAP15F2K61S IAP15F2K61S2 IAP15F2K61S2 IRC15F107W IRC15F107W IRC15F2K63S2 ...
STC15Lxx Series MCU unlock protection read: STC15L100W STC15L101W STC15L102W STC15L104W STC15L2K08S2 STC15L2K16S2 STC15L2K32S2 STC15L2K40S2 STC15L2K48S2 STC15L2K56S2 STC15L2K60S2 IAP15L105W IAP15L2K61S2 ...
STC15Wxx Series MCU copy protection dump: STC15W100 STC15W101 STC15W102 STC15W104 STC15W1K08PWM STC15W1K16PWM STC15W1K16S STC15W1K24S STC15W201S STC15W202S STC15W203S STC15W204S STC15W401AS STC15W402AS STC15W404AS STC15W404S STC15W408AS STC15W408S STC15W410S STC15W413AS STC15W4K16S4 STC15W4K32S4 STC15W4K40S4 STC15W4K48S4 STC15W4K56S4 IAP15W1K29S IAP15W205S IAP15W413S IAP15W4K58S4 IAP15W4K61S4 IRC15W107 IRC15W1K31 IRC15W207S IRC15W415AS IRC15W415S IRC15W4K63S4 ...